The Ministries of Our Members

The ministries of Abounding Grace Baptist Church are outreaches of the members. As our church grows in membership and in personal graces and talents, our outreaches will multiply and change. These outreaches should always reflect our purpose and should be founded on biblical principles.

Ladies Meetings

Our ladies give each other support through wholesome fellowship, intercessory prayer, and encouragement from the Scriptures.

The Bread Distribution Ministry

A few of our people pick up good bread from local grocers and distribute to low income housing and schools as a way of caring for those in need.  In this way we emulate Jesus, who took care of the physical needs of his hearers in order to demonstrate that He had power to satiate their spiritual hunger as well.


Through special offerings and the monetary support of our congregants, we support missionaries and organizations who help the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world. Prayerfully consider how you might do your part in keeping the command of Jesus to get the Gospel to every person.